Share your feedback and help us improve our Transit Development Plan and public transit services in Charlotte County:
In observance of Independence Day, Charlotte County Transit will be closed July 4, 2024.
In observance of Labor Day, Charlotte County Transit will be closed Sept. 2, 2024.
Make the connection to destinations throughout Charlotte County. Enjoy the freedom of curbside transportation to and from your destination. Leave the worries and high costs of driving behind.
Charlotte County Transit is a shared ride curb-to-curb transit service provided to the general public throughout Charlotte County. Service area consists of most of Charlotte County and includes the Charlotte County portion of Englewood, 夏洛特港, 和蓬塔戈达.
- 机场
- 银行
- 海滩
- 大学
- 去看医生
- 库
- 市场
- 用餐地点
- 娱乐中心
- 餐厅
- 购物
- 工作
提供安全, 高质量的, 方便, 非常高效。, and affordable transportation to the public in Charlotte County.
Monday-Friday: 6:30 a.m.- 6 p.m.
周六: 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. 只限于有限的服务区域
Charlotte County Transit service is not provided on Sundays or on County and nationally recognized holidays.
- 选择# 1预订房间
- 选择# 2:取消任何预订
- 选择# 3:早接(仅限医疗)
- 选择# 4赞美或关心
- 选择# 5: To check on the arrival of your bus
Reservations can be made Monday-Friday 7 a.m. 至下午5时.m. Reservations are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. There are no reservations taken on Saturdays. Charlotte County Transit is closed on all National and County recognized holidays.
If you wish to leave a compliment or concern please call: 941.833.6296
Cancellations should be made as soon as possible, no later than 一个小时 在预定的接机时间之前. A cancellation at the door or less than an hour before a scheduled pick up time is considered a no-show incident. 在公共汽车到达时, if the passenger does not board within three minutes, 司机要走了, the passenger will be marked a no-show, 需要重新安排行程. 合理的修改 can be requested.
错过行程政策: 2023年7月1日生效
All fares are currently free until further notice.
The Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) program is a curb-to-curb transportation service at a discounted rate. The service operates to connect passengers to medical centers, 药店, grocery stores and other similar destinations. Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) 2021-2026.
The 交通弱势群体计划 is for individuals who are physically or otherwise disabled, 60岁以上, 或者是低收入者. To apply for the Transportation Disadvantaged service, print and complete the Transportation Disadvantaged Application or call 941.833-6233,请求一个.
Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Application
联系 the Transportation Disadvantaged Ombudsman at 1.800.983.2435.
Charlotte County Transit is committed to making reasonable modifications to its policies, practices and procedures to avoid discrimination and ensure services are accessible to individuals with disabilities. 请参阅 合理的修改 Policy (English) or 合理的修改 Policy (Spanish).
Request for Reasonable Modification may be submitted by email to 劳拉 or written request can be mailed to 545 Theresa Blvd. 夏洛特港, Florida, 33954; or by telephone at 941.575.4000. All Reasonable Modification requests should be addressed to Charlotte County Transit to the attention of 劳拉 Richards.
Charlotte County Transit's overall goal for Fiscal Year 2021-2023 is 0.7%. For more information on how to become a DBE please 联系 941.833.6241. 请参阅我们的 普及计划.
Coordinated Partners (Free Transportation)
- 退伍军人议会: 志愿者s provide transportation to Bay Pines and Cape Coral three times a week (M W F). 更多信息请拨打941.833.6245
- 无家可归者联盟: 志愿者s provide additional transportation for Charlotte county's homeless. 更多信息请拨打941.627.4313
- The Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies C.A.R.E: 志愿者s provide transportation for C.A.R.E,打941.639.5499
老年人服务: 联系 the Aging and Disabled Resource Center at 1.866.413.5337